Monday, May 7, 2012

"...Her Epithet Of Idiocy!"

This is what happens, when some minority folks think that, by making fools of themselves [while in the company of whites]; they're making a positive sad! A couple of days ago, a very good friend of mine vented her frustration; about the disrespectful, and mostly, outright rudeness, shown to President Obama. I tell you this "FB" Fam., as long as we have minorities like this pathetic idiot, Michael Steeles, Allen West, Larry Elder, Armstrong Williams, and alike, who play to their white audiences by insulting minorities and the President, just to gain a pseudo sense of belonging; there will always be another incident. Looking at the video, her single dark colour in the sea of whites, I don't think she [even] realized that; she was given the microphone, to add some colour to the plate. I'm sure she felt some sense of importance - though asinine - as she blab out her sanctimonious diatribe to Mr. Romney and the crowd; because she was too stupid, to sense the degree of Schadenfreude emitting from them! There's nothing wrong with minorities joining the Republican/Tea Party; however, where is it written that they have to be rude, disrespectful, and/or [just] complete Jack Asses, to fit in? This is so sad! ...I'm just saying!See More
An awkward moment occurred at Mitt Romney's town hall event in Cleveland, Ohio on Monday when an audience member, in the process of asking him a question, asserted that President Barack Obama should be tried for treason. Romney remained silent during the question-and-answer session, only to say that...

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