Friday, May 18, 2012

"...Education Or Expression, What's More Important?"

It's bad enough, that the US is down the list in the international community, for eduction; and this is the best that the students can think of?  Some of these [so called] parents should be thrown in jail; for impersonating parenthood!  In fact, I feel all schools in the US should have MANDATORY uniform policy!  If nothing else, studies have shown; that kids who attend schools [Private, Charter, Parochial, etc.] with [mandatory] uniform policies, make better grades overall.  Maybe it's because, they don't have to worry about the new fashions in the classroom; and there's [definitely] more discipline!  All of this nonsense, can only contribute to distractions, and in some cases; bring disruption in the day-to-day operation of the school, and/or even chaos!   There're young [future] leaders right here in the US, and around the world, who would give anything for a sound education; and here we have idiots over here, and their [so called] parents, wasting the tax payers' money!  It is not good enough to brag about being the greatest nation on earth, because we can intimidate, coerce, manipulate, and/or bomb and bully other countries; while we have [comparatively] some of THE most undisciplined, and dysfunctional, kids on earth...and a system that encourages them.  I know for a fact that, teachers are forced to pass students to the next grade; though they've failed [miserably] and do not deserve it...because the system give the parents the right to demand it!  Teachers are being laid off, schools and libraries are being closed for lack of funds; while we spend $400M [Four Hundred Million US Dollars] a piece, on military aircrafts, that we don't need!  The US has one of THE most disrespectful societies; in the entire developed world, and beyond.  We are raising some of THE most disrespectful kids on this planet; because we permit them to do the parenting, and raise themselves!  Some of us allow our children to pick up, and carry on ridiculous behaviours, knowing the type of society that we live in, and knowing the "signs of the times"; and we call that 'giving them a chance to express themselves'...RUBBISH!  How does a child wearing such a hairdo to school, help him; or a child wearing his/her pants halfway down the thigh, showing their underwear/behinds; a Doo-Rag to a function, where folks are properly dressed; using vulgarity [even] in the presence of elders; or spitting all over the place for no apparent reason, help them?  This country is a "Melting Pot" of cultural diversities, and if we'd just incorporate some of the wonderful lessons of our ethnic upbringing, into the raising of our children; we should have THE most educated, respectful, and disciplined kids/society, on this planet!  We watch the news, and there is a new pair of $160-$180 [USD] "Air Jordans" coming out, and people are camping out overnight; just to be the first, to get a pair...and it's usually the ones who can least afford them!  What values are we teaching our kids, when a [so called] parent works 2 or 3 jobs, or is on welfare, or doing illegal things have decided that; the child MUST have a pair?  I personally know families who live in million dollar homes, drive some of the best cars, and have some fat bank accounts; yet, their kids cook, clean, have curfews, are punished, and must have good grades, etc.  Then, I [also] know folks who call themselves parents, working their fingers to the bone, living in the Ghetto/projects, can barely make ends meet; yet, they cook and clean after their kids, the kids are out of hand, they permit them to speak to them anyway they wish, eight, nine, ten, eleven year olds, are out in the streets after 9, 10, 11 o'clock at night.  In fact they [the so called parents], many times, have no idea where the kids are.  At least this kid is smart enough, to decide to have the image removed, unlike his poor excuse for a mother; who is arguing that she had permission!  If we don't stop this nonsense that we're doing in raising our kids, the streets will raise them for us; which can [more than likely] lead them to one - if not all - of three final destinations...H-P-C [hospital, prison, or the cemetery]!  ...I'm just saying!

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