Monday, August 13, 2012
Thursday, August 2, 2012
"...The Disrespecting Of A People!"
There is no such thing; as the "N" word! In fact...what the hell is an "N" word? The word these kinds of people use, is "NIGGER"; and the more America tries to pretend that it's anything else, the worse racial tensions get. When is America going to stop the hypocrisy? The word is "NIGGER"...just say it, and get used to it! Calling it the [pretentious] "N" word, is like saying; the United States of America, is racism free...both of which are lies! This
is the true face, of a lot of Americans; who consider themselves
[although they're not - and even if] Caucasians/whites, and are superior
to minorities. Anyone thinking this to be an isolated case; is in
total denial! Fair skinned Americans, in high numbers, from all
segments of government [Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary], and from
all walks of life, still support racial segregation, and superiority;
fortunately for us, and because most of them are such cowards, they
[just] do it, and connive behind closed doors. There're so many
Americans who believe that; because we have a president of African
heritage, racism is a thing of the past. Oh-h-h-h- the naivety of so
many! ...I'm just saying!
After Shooting, Man Allegedly Tells Police He 'Only Shot A N----r'
A Florida man expressed indignation after being arrested July 30 for supposedly shooting a black man in the head,
"...Efforts To Erase A Race!"
this was not so serious, unfortunate, and despicable; it would be
funny...the mere lies, arrogance, and stupidity, of it all! This is
almost as ridiculously funny; as a story that my young [Hispanic] friend
[Angel] told me, many years ago. He told me that the police had
arrested his cousin Juan, for attempted murder; only because his cousin
and another guy had gotten into a fight, and the friend had
"accidentally" fallen on a knife...32 times! The craziness, and
amusement of both stories, is that; they actually believe themselves.
Police Claim Handcuffed 21-Year-Old Shot Himself In The Head
A 21-year-old man was found shot in the head while handcuffed in the back of a patrol car Saturday night. Now
Monday, July 23, 2012
"...Woe Unto A Blood Thirsty Nation!"
12 dead, 58 others injured, families all over the US [including his] distraught, shaken, and apprehensive today, because of the mis-guided, immature, and irresponsible choice that he made; now, his attorney want him to wear the "frightened", "I'm confused", mental look! Not that it'll make a difference to them; but all of those thieves [who call themselves Leaders] in Washington, DC, should be given front row seats at the autopsies, and crime scene photo presentation, in this case. They need to see the damage; that their irresponsible behaviours cause! They should [either] be at the autopsies, or be forced to sit in a locked room, with bread and water [the no good Bums], tasered if they turn away; and forced to watch the videos, and photographs over and over, for at least three days. At first, no one could beat the cigarette industry; eventually, someone found a way...the same thing should be done, with the gun industry! Senator McCain had the nerve, to compare the one time, very rare situation in Norway [July 2011]; to this lawless, violent, "Sodom and Gomorrah" of a country [The US]? No wonder he can't win the presidency. Again I have to ask, here we are in a country that brags of being the greatest nation on God's earth; so, how is it that almost 3500 [teens and children alone] are killed every year, because of gun violence? Is that what being great is all about? Americans rose up, to give Dick Cheney permission to carry out a lying, thievery, murderous attack on Iraq; which killed and maimed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Americans...under the guise of "Terrorism"! What in HELL do you people think, the violence in this country is; when a 10 year old girl can't sell candy in front of her own house, a 6 year old can't go to the movies with her parent, or a struggling, immigrant store owner can't run his business in peace? This is terrorism America...this is terrorism! This could [all] come to an end; if our so called leaders, would stop "PROSTITUTING" themselves to these various lobbyists. If we are their "Pimps" because we send them to Washington, then they owe us big time; unfortunately, all we ever get out of them, is a pile of dog crap...a load of sanctimonious platitudes! Americans need to rise up again...this time, to tell Washington, we are DAMNED tired of their lackadaisical attitudes; and we're not going to take it anymore! PERIOD!!!! Why should these self centered, useless, miscreants, sit on their greedy, overpaid behinds, and pretend that they don't know how to solve these problems; when that's [exactly] what we're paying them to do? If any of us were to be in the employ of any of these Bums, doing the kind of terrible, childish, in-fighting, jobs that they're doing; they would have us fired, in a heart beat, and maybe [even] punished...why should they have a free pass? How can we call other countries "3rd World Nations"; when we [claiming to be #1 of] the so called "1st World Nations", still live such barbaric lives? Make no mistakes, if these things were hitting close to home for those idiots in Washington, DC, especially GOP/Tea Party, NRA Lobbyists, and others (Democrats, Republicans, or Independents); we would have solutions by now! This young man may have pulled the triggers, that caused so many families to be grieving today, and so many people to be in pain; but the blame for his actions, fall in the laps of people like the "Butthead" senator from Wisconsin, Senator McCain, and all of those overpaid degenerates in DC; who try to make excuses, and/or justifies such bad behaviours. When 19 year old Michael P. Fay was caned in Singapore [1994], Americans were outraged; yet, since he returned to the US, look at how much trouble he's gotten into. His is an example of how we encourage bad behaviours in this country, and why we have the most dysfunctional, and violent society; in the [entire] developed world! What is wrong with that picture? No matter how many vigils, candles, balloons, and/or memorials are held, if those in charge don't change the rules, stop their greed, and cease their immature, irresponsible, and narcissistic bickering; this will happen again, and again, and again, and again!
...I'm just saying!
...I'm just saying!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
"...No More Knives To A Gun Fight!"
Republican/Tea Party Douche Bags, need to start getting a taste of
their own medicine. They are such rude, vulgar, and discourteous
miscreants; yet, no one stands up to them! They go about
[unapologetically] disrespecting, and disregarding people, programs, and
offices, because other folks don't agree with them; yet everyone,
Democratic leaders especially, draws into a corner, with their ...tails
between their legs...too afraid to retaliate! When there're no
consequences for bullying, the end for the victim is it
physical, and/or emotional! It is time to stand up to these worn out
"WCs" [Waste Containers], like Alan Simpson, Ann Coulter, Allen West,
Jan Brewer, Dick Cheney, Michelle Bachmann, Rand Paul, Sarah Palin,
etc., and let them know that we have taken enough, we got their game,
and now we're ready; to bring down whole cans of powerful "Whop Ass" on
their miserable, meaningless existence, if they persist! These
unnecessary, and useless wastes to creation, and enemies to culture, who
call themselves humans, make a powerful argument; that Satan is real,
his spawns are amongst us, and Democrats, and the rest of America should
grow backbones, and unleash the proper insecticide, on these bugs!
ENOUGH IS diseased maggots! Since the Democratic
Leadership, and those who are financially able, are not willing, or are
too afraid to stand up to these degenerates; then, they should open up a
media [forum] and give some of us who are not afraid of them, the
opportunity to deal with them! Alan Simpson is as old as Dirt, and has
nothing new, or relevant; to bring to this table! Janice "Jan" Brewer
is supposed to be only 67 years old, she looks like the poster child for
BOTOX; and [probably] holds a lifetime membership in the Aryan Nation.
Because of the evil [the love of money] of this society; Dick "Satan's
Spawn" Cheney has received a new heart, to contaminate! In Sarah
Palin's case, for her to have relevance, she has to [first] put down
this persona of intelligence, and reclaim her id; as the Scarecrow, in
The Wizard of Oz! Rand Paul is just an ignorant little worm, trying so
hard to fit into the "big boys club"; that he ends up speaking out of
the part of his mouth, that he sits on! Allen West - like Alan Keyes,
J. C. Watts, Michael Steele, Armstrong Williams, Larry Elder, etc. -
thinks that by making a complete Ass of himself, and insulting other
minorities; he would be accepted as an equal, in the GOP...WRONG!
Michelle Bachmann...what a lost cause - a non-entity! Ann Coulter is
not angry at Liberals and/or Democrats, the mutant [that she is] is
angry at her parents; because every time she passes a mirror, and sees
what is reflected in it, she tries to take it out on others! I could
go on, but you get the point that; it is time to fight fire, with fire!
...I'm just saying!See More
Former Sen. Alan Simpson is not happy with the California Alliance for Retired Americans.
Friday, May 18, 2012
"...Education Or Expression, What's More Important?"
It's bad enough, that the US is down the list in the international community, for eduction; and this is the best that the students can think of? Some of these [so called] parents should be thrown in jail; for impersonating parenthood! In fact, I feel all schools in the US should have MANDATORY uniform policy! If nothing else, studies have shown; that kids who attend schools [Private, Charter, Parochial, etc.] with [mandatory] uniform policies, make better grades overall. Maybe it's because, they don't have to worry about the new fashions in the classroom; and there's [definitely] more discipline! All of this nonsense, can only contribute to distractions, and in some cases; bring disruption in the day-to-day operation of the school, and/or even chaos! There're young [future] leaders right here in the US, and around the world, who would give anything for a sound education; and here we have idiots over here, and their [so called] parents, wasting the tax payers' money! It is not good enough to brag about being the greatest nation on earth, because we can intimidate, coerce, manipulate, and/or bomb and bully other countries; while we have [comparatively] some of THE most undisciplined, and dysfunctional, kids on earth...and a system that encourages them. I know for a fact that, teachers are forced to pass students to the next grade; though they've failed [miserably] and do not deserve it...because the system give the parents the right to demand it! Teachers are being laid off, schools and libraries are being closed for lack of funds; while we spend $400M [Four Hundred Million US Dollars] a piece, on military aircrafts, that we don't need! The US has one of THE most disrespectful societies; in the entire developed world, and beyond. We are raising some of THE most disrespectful kids on this planet; because we permit them to do the parenting, and raise themselves! Some of us allow our children to pick up, and carry on ridiculous behaviours, knowing the type of society that we live in, and knowing the "signs of the times"; and we call that 'giving them a chance to express themselves'...RUBBISH! How does a child wearing such a hairdo to school, help him; or a child wearing his/her pants halfway down the thigh, showing their underwear/behinds; a Doo-Rag to a function, where folks are properly dressed; using vulgarity [even] in the presence of elders; or spitting all over the place for no apparent reason, help them? This country is a "Melting Pot" of cultural diversities, and if we'd just incorporate some of the wonderful lessons of our ethnic upbringing, into the raising of our children; we should have THE most educated, respectful, and disciplined kids/society, on this planet! We watch the news, and there is a new pair of $160-$180 [USD] "Air Jordans" coming out, and people are camping out overnight; just to be the first, to get a pair...and it's usually the ones who can least afford them! What values are we teaching our kids, when a [so called] parent works 2 or 3 jobs, or is on welfare, or doing illegal things have decided that; the child MUST have a pair? I personally know families who live in million dollar homes, drive some of the best cars, and have some fat bank accounts; yet, their kids cook, clean, have curfews, are punished, and must have good grades, etc. Then, I [also] know folks who call themselves parents, working their fingers to the bone, living in the Ghetto/projects, can barely make ends meet; yet, they cook and clean after their kids, the kids are out of hand, they permit them to speak to them anyway they wish, eight, nine, ten, eleven year olds, are out in the streets after 9, 10, 11 o'clock at night. In fact they [the so called parents], many times, have no idea where the kids are. At least this kid is smart enough, to decide to have the image removed, unlike his poor excuse for a mother; who is arguing that she had permission! If we don't stop this nonsense that we're doing in raising our kids, the streets will raise them for us; which can [more than likely] lead them to one - if not all - of three final destinations...H-P-C [hospital, prison, or the cemetery]! ...I'm just saying!
Monday, May 7, 2012
"...Little Termites, Big Problems!"
this jack ass for Psychological evaluation, is a total waste; of the
tax payers' money. There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with that fool,
Nugent, Cheney, the GOP/Tea Party, or the rest; except for their
insatiable appetite, for hate! While they may not be crazy; they should
be at "GITMO" [Guantanamo Bay, Cuba]...these spawns of Satan, are
dangerous! The Oxford Dictionary defines Terrorism
as; "the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political
aims". Webster defines Terrorism as; "the systematic use of terror
especially as a means of coercion". Is there a difference between these
people's hatred of President Obama, and the hatred of Al Qaeda, and the
Taliban; towards the American people, and Democracy? These people are
Terrorists, and should be treated as such! What is it going to take,
for Americans to realize the dangers to our safety, security, freedoms,
and rights; that these gangsters, are determined, and planning to
destroy? Terrorists are not crazy people, and we should have learned
that by now...remember September 11th, 2001? These people are
Terrorists, and we need to stop dragging our feet, and taking chances!
...I'm just saying!
Hecker of Waynesboro, Va., has been charged with threatening to kill
President Barack Obama after being arrested on Thursday, the Associated
Press reports. From the AP:
"...Her Epithet Of Idiocy!"
is what happens, when some minority folks think that, by making fools
of themselves [while in the company of whites]; they're making a
positive sad! A couple of days ago, a very good friend
of mine vented her frustration; about the disrespectful, and mostly,
outright rudeness, shown to President Obama. I tell you this "FB" Fam.,
as long as we have minorities like this pathetic
idiot, Michael Steeles, Allen West, Larry Elder, Armstrong Williams,
and alike, who play to their white audiences by insulting minorities and
the President, just to gain a pseudo sense of belonging; there will
always be another incident. Looking at the video, her single dark
colour in the sea of whites, I don't think she [even] realized that; she
was given the microphone, to add some colour to the plate. I'm sure
she felt some sense of importance - though asinine - as she blab out her
sanctimonious diatribe to Mr. Romney and the crowd; because she was too
stupid, to sense the degree of Schadenfreude emitting from them!
There's nothing wrong with minorities joining the Republican/Tea Party;
however, where is it written that they have to be rude, disrespectful,
and/or [just] complete Jack Asses, to fit in? This is so sad! ...I'm
just saying!See More
awkward moment occurred at Mitt Romney's town hall event in Cleveland,
Ohio on Monday when an audience member, in the process of asking him a
question, asserted that President Barack Obama should be tried for
treason. Romney remained silent during the question-and-answer session,
only to say that...
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
"...A Time For Pest Control!"
You may not agree with Malcolm X, and you may not agree with Minister Farrakhan, but in cases like these; blacks and other minorities - minus tokens like Allen West, Piyush Jindal, Alan Keyes, Michael Steele, J. C. Watts, Nimrata Randhawa, who still have not learned the lessons of the GOP - have the power, to shut this fool's career down...even [though] they're not his primary market. He is one of those that I've spoken off, who woke up on November 5th, 2008, probably had a mini-stroke and/or coronary; because a Democrat [especially] man of colour had become President of The United States of America...and he still thinks it's a dream, that he needs to wake up from! It is true that in politics, people get carried away and say some dumb things; because of their political views, and beliefs. But it seems to always be a Republican/Tea Party member; who would spew out vile, disparaging, disgusting, and [in many cases] dangerous aspersions against a president from the Democratic Party. The scary things is...they always get away with it! These viruses should never be taken lightly! After all, it is said that 'one man's freedom ends, where another's begin', and some of these [who feel so strongly] could prefer to end their [own] freedoms; just to end the freedom of this president, to do his job! These people are evil, and see us as enemies and not Americans - make no mistakes about that. Given the slightest opportunity, I truly believe that; they'd do whatever it takes - and they do have the funds and means to do so - to discredit, and/or even bring harm to this God given leader, his family, anything or anyone associated with the job he's trying to do, and this country as a whole...the "scorched earth' effect! Many of them have said as much! They have said that they prefer to see this country fall; than for President Obama to succeed. These people are angry, that it is not a Republican in that White House; but, and make no mistakes, most of them are deeply pissed, and would go to extremes; because the Democrat in that White House, is a man of colour! No one should think that Republicans make these remarks/threats; because they're dumb, or joking! They are cunning, sinister, and apocalyptic little rodents, and make these remarks/threats because they're also arrogant, narcissistic, greedy little disease carrying little ticks; who know that the Democrats are too weak, and the system [law enforcement] too flawed, to touch them...they are ABOVE THE LAW! It is time for law enforcement to stop being "RE" active with these NRA, Republican, Tea Party, KKK, Skin Heads, for doing stupid things, and start being "PRO" active with them; as they are with Black Panthers, Democrats, people of lesser means [black or white]. The Republicans/Tea Party and their cronies; should be measured with the same "yard stick", as other Americans. If the fool wants to be dead, or in jail; then they should oblige him..."PRO" active! They shouldn't wait 'til he acts out his fantasy; then they decide to oblige him..."RE" active! He, like a whole lot of them, is up to no good, and like a cockroach; it is time to step on the fools! This is, definitely, not the time; to be pussyfooting around these mosquitoes! ...I'm just saying!
Rocker Ted Nugent has reportedly earned himself the scrutiny of the Secret Service after saying over the weekend that he would be "dead or in jail by this time next year" if President Barack Obama is re-elected. Nugent made the comments during an interview at the National Rifle Association conventio...
Friday, April 13, 2012
"...Search For Importance!"
People like "Keyes - West" [Alan Keyes and Allen West], live with the false sense of image security; thinking that calling themselves Republicans, would give them importance...such bobble heads! If they were smart at all; they'd take a page out of the book of other "yes" boys, like Armstrong Williams, J. C. Watts, Michael Steele, and alike! There's nothing wrong with being a "Black" Republican, ...but going out of their way to disparage other blacks, or Democrats, and/or people who care about the common man; is where they need to draw the line! What they don't seem to understand is that, the only reason that they're tolerated being called Republicans, is because of something we have in Rhode Island called "Coffee Milk". People want to put a little colour in their [otherwise] white milk; so they add in a smidge of coffee! ...I'm just saying!See More
Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) may support parts of President Obama's health care law, but he has a problem with the 10 percent tax on tanning salons. He told a mostly Democratic group of seniors at a retirement home near West Palm Beach, Florida, that he thinks the provision is racist, according to the P...
"...Acts Of Shame!"
It's amazing the lengths to which these "News" agencies would go; just to get ratings! Sarah Palin...REALLY?! What in the world was NBC thinking? Are they trying [knowingly/unknowingly] to put themselves in the same boat; with that tabloid junk [FOX "Noise" News] group? The irony of it all, is that they even provided her some props...NEWSPAPERS! Isn't this the same Sarah Palin, who when asked... in an interview; didn't know which newspapers she had, or still read? Sarah Palin is a moron, there's no doubt about that; but she knows how to use her stupidity, and that of others, to make money. An idiot, who can see Russia from her home [in Alaska], becomes a millionaire overnight...positively entertaining! In my opinion, NBC has lost all credibility; for prostituting themselves! Shame on you NBC! ...I'm just saying!See More
At least one former "Today" alum was not impressed with the show's decision to bring in Sarah Palin as a co-host last week. Bryant Gumbel, who led the show for fifteen years and returned to "Today" for its sixtieth anniversary reunion show, told Howard Kurtz that he was "embarrassed" by the move.
"...Another Colourful Nanomite!"
This is exactly what I spoke of, when I wrote about "Keyes-West" [Black Republicans] a few days ago; and their idiotic behaviour, to be accepted by their [white] Republican masters. They spend so much time making "Jackasses" of themselves, by being clowns; that they forget to be men! Here, he thinks he's being funny, [again] forgetting to remember that; there's a difference between laughing WITH you, and laughing AT you...what a schmuck! ...I'm just saying!
WASHINGTON -- As many as 80 House Democrats are communists, according to Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.). West warned constituents at a Tuesday town hall event that he's "heard" that dozens of his Democratic colleagues in the House are members of the Communist Party, the Palm Beach Post reported.
"...The Cowardice Of A People!"
Here's the conundrum, multiple problems facing the US, and the spineless behaviour of the Democratic Party...what's wrong with this picture? I hate [almost] everything that the Republican Party stands for; but they stand by their own, right or wrong. I am disappointed that, even President Obama, seems to have turned his back on this lady; because of political correctness. Mr. Obama, you're a very intelligent, educated, and strong man and, in my opinion, one of the dang best presidents; that this country has ever had. So, why would you let advisors lead you down this road of weakness? Even I, know what Ms. Rosen meant! A first grader, would know that she was speaking of Mrs. Romney's disconnect, with the average working mother...and her lack of knowledge; of the hardships they face, day after day. Wolf Blitzer's insistence that Ms. Rosen look into the camera, to render an apology to Mrs. Romney, and the fact that she [Ms. Rosen] did; speaks volumes, of how dedicated and loyal she is, to Mr. Obama and the Democratic Party. What is it about those Republican spawns of Satan; that seem to frighten Democrats so much? Why is there so little loyalty amongst Democrats? Shame on all of you! Is this how you're supposed to treat a person; who's supposed to be one of your own? Again, what is wrong with you people? Hilary Rosen should be hailed as a hero! She is the one Democrat, with enough guts; to stand up to a self righteous, egotistical, narcissist, named Romney! A lot of us were brought up by dedicated mothers, who also worked; because they had no other choices! Ms. Rosen said that Ann Romney never worked a day in her life, all of us know exactly what she's talking where's the lie? So the little "Bobbie" Doll raised some kids...good job! The real question should be, how many nannies, executive housekeepers, and gardeners; were really responsible, for raising those boys? How many diapers did she really change? The fact is, it seems like Ms. Rosen made that apology to "Bobbie"; just to appease your fears, and take one for the "team" owe her! Whether you people decide to say it or not, Ms. Rosen is and has been a loyal, and dependable ally; and it'd be a very wise idea, to back her up, and show the world that you've finally gotten some backbone! It's beginning to be [almost] a disgrace; to be a part, of the Democratic Party!
...I'm just saying! See More
...I'm just saying! See More
Thursday, April 5, 2012
"...It's Their War - We Must Fight!"
It is so unfortunate that we're surviving in a society, where men of colour have become prey; for every so-called "white" man with a gun! The so-called "white man, is determined to make the man of colour/"black" man, an endangered populace. We, the seeds of "The Mother Land", have lost the adhesive that made us strong; and the so-called "white" man is very aware of this. Go back in history and'll see that; our strength came from our spirituality, connection to The Almighty God, and a very strong family bond! We are rapidly losing our cohesive attributes; and they are using it against us! As I said earlier, the man of colour/"black" man has become a target; and need all the help that he can get. Mothers, protect your sons! Sisters, protect your brothers! Wives, protect your husbands...that is the key; to defeating our common enemy! With the family, and spiritual/religious structures intact; there's no way that we can lose...To God Be The Glory! ...I'm just saying!
Wake Up...Be Blessed!
Keep Strong, Keep JOY, Keep Prayers...Keep GOD!
As much of the country follows the Trayvon Martin case, activists in Chicago are hoping to bring some of that attention to Howard Morgan, a former Chicago police officer who was shot 28 times by white officers -- and lived to tell his side of the story.
Friday, March 30, 2012
"...Abuse is abuse, no matter the individual!"
I wrote the article below on February 14th, 2012, in response to an article on [Violence Against Women Act Becomes Partisan Issue] in which, Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) seem to show his true colours, and that of the "Evil" Empire - The Republican Party - and their sanctimonious hypocrisy! Unfortunately, some have managed to misrepresent my article with words of their own, so I'm reposting it [again] with the reference article and date; for those who have a hard time keeping the facts together!
What is Grassley, and these Republicans so afraid of? It seems like everything, and everyone who's not in their lying, cheating, thieving, murderous, and maniacal little evil group, should have no rights; unless it suits their purpose. Whether one agrees with the beliefs, and/or life styles of LGBT individuals, is not the issue; but [rather] that everyone is entitled to protection under the laws of these United States, should be. And as for the immigration, and Native Americans part of the VAWA Bill, and folks who are supposedly here "illegally"; let him not get me started! Who is more here illegally, than folks like Grassley and his fore-fathers? Since when does the use of deceit, lies, mass murder, and smallpox infested blankets [under the guise of peace and friendship], become a legal visa; for entrance to a nation, and/or its peoples? What is so wrong with protecting people; just because, it's the right thing to do? When you guys receive your regular pay raises, while a huge chunk of the country is unemployed, or underemployed, you have no quarrels with that, and don't even care how many LGBT, Native Americans, and/or illegal immigrants pay for it; as long as your pathetic lives [and that of your families] benefit from it. The same thing about health care. You lazy, overpaid, under-accomplished egomaniacs, do nothing for the "little guy", and fight anyone who tries to pass down the crumbs; to the "little guy"; yet, you and your miserable families have the best. Why should you have all these rights, privileges, and protections; while the masses scrape and crawl at the bottom of the barrel; just to make ends meet? If any of these groups of people, who you Republicans care so little about, were to be fallen by straight, legal immigrants, or non-Native Americans [and vice-versa] on these shores; would the perpetrator not be brought to justice under the same laws? So why [then] is all this hypocrisy, and prejudice. The fact is, until Americans realize that you heathens are supposed to be working for us, and not the other way around, and punish/persecute you for "bridge of contract"; you're never going to get it, and will always see yourselves as above the law! There were folks like you all through history, since the beginning of time...where are they today? Pharaoh thought he had ultimate power, so did Jezebel, so did Nebuchadnezzar, so did Herod, and the list goes on [even through Hitler, Stalin, Die Groot Krokodil"-The Big Crocodile-P. W. Botha, Ian Smith, Kim Il Sun, Hafez al-Assad, etc.]; but where are they today? All of you money grabbing, power hungry parasites, who think you have some power to make others live by your rules, tend to ignore the fact that; there's a greater power that we [all] have to answer the end, you'll leave it all behind - Psalm 49! Most people in this country seem to think, that Al-Qaeda, and the Taliban, are our greatest fears...oh how wrong they are! The groups of terrorists, like you guys; are the ones, that we need to worry about the most. Before people start going into a rage for calling you folks terrorists, let me remind them of the meaning of the word terrorism - "the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear!" Need I say more? Who knows the weaponry of terrorism; more than you Republicans? Before you answer that, do not forget, because we've not forgotten, your [Satan's own spawn] leaders Dick Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Bolton, Rove, etc., who murdered thousands of Americans, and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, based on the same greed, lies, and terrorism; that you're trying to bring to this issue! Today is supposed to be the day of celebrating love - valentine - [Valens - strong, powerful, worthy - Latin] instead here we are, fighting these devils; for rights of humanity! Again...what are you sanctimonious miscreants so afraid of? ...I'm just asking! To every individual who is abused...Be Blessed!
Keep Strong, Keep JOY, Keep prayers...Keep GOD!
Keep Strong, Keep JOY, Keep prayers...Keep GOD!
Joshua F. Johnson
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
"...The Three Stooges!"
When George Zimmerman permitted Bill Lee [former Sanford Police Chief], and Norm Wolfinger [former FL Prosecutor] to shield him from the truth; he forfeited any presumption of innocence! It is okay to be afraid (God knows Trayvon must have been VERY afraid), but it will never be okay that his life was taken; because of an idiosyncratic moron, and his handlers! ...I'm just saying!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
"...A War Declared On Blacks!"
There is no excuse, for the lackadaisical behaviour; of that RACIST, Republican, Florida [AG] Pam Bondi, and her aiding and abetting co-conspirator, Sanford, FL Police chief, Bill Lee! If Eric Holder moves too fast; they'll accuse him of bias, because of race. Those two fools [and everyone else involved], should be brought up on charges; of obstruction of justice, aiding and abetting, and depriving Trayvon Martin, of his civil rights. A terrible law, stupid interpretation, and miscreants who hide behind it; to carry out their racist agenda! ...I'm just saying!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
"...Abuse is abuse, no matter the individual!"
What is Grassley, and these Republicans so afraid of? It seems like everything, and everyone who's not in their lying, cheating, thieving, murderous, and maniacal little evil group, should have no rights; unless it suits their purpose. Whether one agrees with the beliefs, and/or life styles of LGBT individuals, is not the issue; but [rather] that everyone is entitled to protection under the laws of these United States, should be. And as for the immigration, and Native Americans part of the VAWA Bill, and folks who are supposedly here "illegally"; let him not get me started! Who is more here illegally, than folks like Grassley's and his fore-fathers? Since when does the use of deceit, lies, mass murder, and smallpox infested blankets [under the guise of peace and friendship], become a legal visa; for entrance to a nation, and/or its peoples? What is so wrong with protecting people; just because, it's the right thing to do? When you guys receive your regular pay raises, while a huge chunk of the country is unemployed, or underemployed, you have no quarrels with that, and don't even care how many LGBT, Native Americans, and/or illegal immigrants pay for it; as long as your pathetic lives [and that of your families] benefit from it. The same thing about health care. You lazy, overpaid, under-accomplished egomaniacs, do nothing for the "little guy", and fight anyone who tries to pass down the crumbs; to the "little guy"; yet, you and your miserable families have the best. Why should you have all these rights, privileges, and protections; while the masses scrape and crawl at the bottom of the barrel; just to make ends meet? If any of these groups of people, who you Republicans care so little about, were to be fallen by straight, legal immigrants, or non-Native Americans [and vice-versa] on these shores; would the perpetrator not be brought to justice under the same laws? So why [then] is all this hypocrisy, and prejudice. The fact is, until Americans realize that you heathens are supposed to be working for us, and not the other way around, and punish/persecute you for "bridge of contract"; you're never going to get it, and will always see yourselves as above the law! There were folks like you all through history, since the beginning of time...where are they today? Pharaoh thought he had ultimate power, so did Jezebel, so did Nebuchadnezzar, so did Herod, and the list goes on [even through Hitler, Stalin, Die Groot Krokodil"-The Big Crocodile-P. W. Botha, Ian Smith, Kim Il Sun, Hafez al-Assad, etc.]; but where are they today? All of you money grabbing, power hungry parasites, who think you have some power to make others live by your rules, tend to ignore the fact that; there's a greater power that we [all] have to answer the end, you'll leave it all behind - Psalm 49! Most people in this country seem to think, that Al-Qaeda, and the Taliban, are our greatest fears...oh how wrong they are! The groups of terrorists, like you guys; are the ones, that we need to worry about the most. Before people start going into a rage for calling you folks terrorists, let me remind them of the meaning of the word terrorism - "the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear!" Need I say more? Who knows the weaponry of terrorism; more than you Republicans? Before you answer that, do not forget, because we've not forgotten, your [Satan's own spawn] leaders Dick Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Bolton, Rove, etc., who murdered thousands of Americans, and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, based on the same greed, lies, and terrorism; that you're trying to bring to this issue! Today is supposed to be the day of celebrating love - valentine - [Valens - strong, powerful, worthy - Latin] instead here we are, fighting these devils; for rights of humanity! Again...what are you sanctimonious miscreants so afraid of? ...I'm just asking!
To every individual who is abused...Be Blessed!
Keep Strong, Keep JOY, Keep prayers...Keep GOD!
To every individual who is abused...Be Blessed!
Keep Strong, Keep JOY, Keep prayers...Keep GOD!
Friday, January 27, 2012
"...The Evil comes out!"
Does Jan Brewer really believe, that we're buying into this charade? When this big headed, wrinkled faced, old hag decided to attack the president, this letter was prepared as one of her props; in case the "backlash" that she's getting now came about. She, like many of these Caucasians, and some of the idiotic Negroids, tend to forget who really own this land; that they try so hard, to keep others out of. They came here under the pretense and guise of religion, killed off the Indians [Native Americans] with lies, deception, trickery, greed, and violence, claimed a land that was never theirs; then placed the people in concentration camps called "reservations". EVIL! Jan Brewer is very aware; that the "White Man" was the first illegal alien, to enter this country. In fact, they started illegal immigration all over the world; under the same guise and deception used here. Look at all they've done in Africa, and how [even] today, because of ignorance, misinformation, and greed, on the part of the African people themselves; that extremely rich, and a continent of God given beauty, is still in turmoil! What most Americans don't understand is that, without immigration [legal or illegal]; this county will not be where it is today. She speak of fundamental differences? The only fundamentalism here is that, many of the people [like her] who woke up on November 5th, 2008, and found out that God had thrown a "monkey wrench" in their plans for superiority and monopoly; she still haven't gotten over it. She has gained more wrinkles and Gray Hairs hating the idea of a "Black" man ruling this great nation; then she would have, trying to do her job. How do you think it looks to the international community, when an American decides to belittle the office of The President of The United States? Pointing her finger in his face, was no accident! She knew [exactly] where the cameras were, and used that opportunity; to make a bold statement. She went into her "White" master mode, and decided to discipline her "boy"; for daring to stand up to her! Unfortunately, she seems to have forgotten...those days are LONG GONE! Obama's Presidency is The Almighty's way of showing them, that the status quo of "White" [only] rule is over...To God BE The Glory! What she, like her other idiotic alliances tend to forget is that, President Obama does not own "POTUS" (President of The United States) one does, because it is an institution, and when you disrespect that institution, you disrespect the whole nation! There's an old saying that I will use here..."she better recognize!?" ...I'm just saying!
Keep aware, Keep JOY, Keep prayers..Keep GOD!
Keep aware, Keep JOY, Keep prayers..Keep GOD!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
"...Unwise Priorities!
I wrote a piece earlier, about my support; for the Obama Administration. In it, I also spoke about my belief, that President Obama's election to office; was/is because of divine intervention. I added, that if The President [including his administration] deviates from God's mandate, they'll lose; and it'll be on them! Instead of focusing on the pressing issues here at home [homelessness, jobless...ness, health care, moral deficiencies, etc.], they're listening to those egotistical "war mongers", especially Republicans, doing stupid and provoking things; to get us into a war with Iran. I still remember certain people in the "dub yuh" administration, telling the American people; that we could fight and win, two full, and simultaneous wars...what happened to that piece of arrogant idiocy? After thousands of lives lost [Americans and Iraqis], what do we have to show for it? Now, they don't have money to put people like 101 year old Texana Hollis back in her home, but they are ready to allocate the funds; to provoke [an unwinnable] war with Iran. When will these people learn? WHAT A SHAME!!!? ...I'm just saying!
Keep wise, Keep JOY, Keep prayers...Keep GOD!
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