It is so unfortunate that we're surviving in a society, where men of colour have become prey; for every so-called "white" man with a gun! The so-called "white man, is determined to make the man of colour/"black" man, an endangered populace. We, the seeds of "The Mother Land", have lost the adhesive that made us strong; and the so-called "white" man is very aware of this. Go back in history and'll see that; our strength came from our spirituality, connection to The Almighty God, and a very strong family bond! We are rapidly losing our cohesive attributes; and they are using it against us! As I said earlier, the man of colour/"black" man has become a target; and need all the help that he can get. Mothers, protect your sons! Sisters, protect your brothers! Wives, protect your husbands...that is the key; to defeating our common enemy! With the family, and spiritual/religious structures intact; there's no way that we can lose...To God Be The Glory! ...I'm just saying!
Wake Up...Be Blessed!
Keep Strong, Keep JOY, Keep Prayers...Keep GOD!
As much of the country follows the Trayvon Martin case, activists in Chicago are hoping to bring some of that attention to Howard Morgan, a former Chicago police officer who was shot 28 times by white officers -- and lived to tell his side of the story.
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