12 dead, 58 others injured, families all over the US [including his] distraught, shaken, and apprehensive today, because of the mis-guided, immature, and irresponsible choice that he made; now, his attorney want him to wear the "frightened", "I'm confused", mental look! Not that it'll make a difference to them; but all of those thieves [who call themselves Leaders] in Washington, DC, should be given front row seats at the autopsies, and crime scene photo presentation, in this case. They need to see the damage; that their irresponsible behaviours cause! They should [either] be at the autopsies, or be forced to sit in a locked room, with bread and water [the no good Bums], tasered if they turn away; and forced to watch the videos, and photographs over and over, for at least three days. At first, no one could beat the cigarette industry; eventually, someone found a way...the same thing should be done, with the gun industry! Senator McCain had the nerve, to compare the one time, very rare situation in Norway [July 2011]; to this lawless, violent, "Sodom and Gomorrah" of a country [The US]? No wonder he can't win the presidency. Again I have to ask, here we are in a country that brags of being the greatest nation on God's earth; so, how is it that almost 3500 [teens and children alone] are killed every year, because of gun violence? Is that what being great is all about? Americans rose up, to give Dick Cheney permission to carry out a lying, thievery, murderous attack on Iraq; which killed and maimed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Americans...under the guise of "Terrorism"! What in HELL do you people think, the violence in this country is; when a 10 year old girl can't sell candy in front of her own house, a 6 year old can't go to the movies with her parent, or a struggling, immigrant store owner can't run his business in peace? This is terrorism America...this is terrorism! This could [all] come to an end; if our so called leaders, would stop "PROSTITUTING" themselves to these various lobbyists. If we are their "Pimps" because we send them to Washington, then they owe us big time; unfortunately, all we ever get out of them, is a pile of dog crap...a load of sanctimonious platitudes! Americans need to rise up again...this time, to tell Washington, we are DAMNED tired of their lackadaisical attitudes; and we're not going to take it anymore! PERIOD!!!! Why should these self centered, useless, miscreants, sit on their greedy, overpaid behinds, and pretend that they don't know how to solve these problems; when that's [exactly] what we're paying them to do? If any of us were to be in the employ of any of these Bums, doing the kind of terrible, childish, in-fighting, jobs that they're doing; they would have us fired, in a heart beat, and maybe [even] punished...why should they have a free pass? How can we call other countries "3rd World Nations"; when we [claiming to be #1 of] the so called "1st World Nations", still live such barbaric lives? Make no mistakes, if these things were hitting close to home for those idiots in Washington, DC, especially GOP/Tea Party, NRA Lobbyists, and others (Democrats, Republicans, or Independents); we would have solutions by now! This young man may have pulled the triggers, that caused so many families to be grieving today, and so many people to be in pain; but the blame for his actions, fall in the laps of people like the "Butthead" senator from Wisconsin, Senator McCain, and all of those overpaid degenerates in DC; who try to make excuses, and/or justifies such bad behaviours. When 19 year old Michael P. Fay was caned in Singapore [1994], Americans were outraged; yet, since he returned to the US, look at how much trouble he's gotten into. His is an example of how we encourage bad behaviours in this country, and why we have the most dysfunctional, and violent society; in the [entire] developed world! What is wrong with that picture? No matter how many vigils, candles, balloons, and/or memorials are held, if those in charge don't change the rules, stop their greed, and cease their immature, irresponsible, and narcissistic bickering; this will happen again, and again, and again, and again!
...I'm just saying!
...I'm just saying!
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