Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"...A Time For Pest Control!"

You may not agree with Malcolm X, and you may not agree with Minister Farrakhan, but in cases like these; blacks and other minorities - minus tokens like Allen West, Piyush Jindal, Alan Keyes, Michael Steele, J. C. Watts, Nimrata Randhawa, who still have not learned the lessons of the GOP - have the power, to shut this fool's career down...even [though] they're not his primary market. He is one of those that I've spoken off, who woke up on November 5th, 2008, probably had a mini-stroke and/or coronary; because a Democrat [especially] man of colour had become President of The United States of America...and he still thinks it's a dream, that he needs to wake up from! It is true that in politics, people get carried away and say some dumb things; because of their political views, and beliefs. But it seems to always be a Republican/Tea Party member; who would spew out vile, disparaging, disgusting, and [in many cases] dangerous aspersions against a president from the Democratic Party. The scary things is...they always get away with it! These viruses should never be taken lightly! After all, it is said that 'one man's freedom ends, where another's begin', and some of these [who feel so strongly] could prefer to end their [own] freedoms; just to end the freedom of this president, to do his job! These people are evil, and see us as enemies and not Americans - make no mistakes about that. Given the slightest opportunity, I truly believe that; they'd do whatever it takes - and they do have the funds and means to do so - to discredit, and/or even bring harm to this God given leader, his family, anything or anyone associated with the job he's trying to do, and this country as a whole...the "scorched earth' effect! Many of them have said as much! They have said that they prefer to see this country fall; than for President Obama to succeed. These people are angry, that it is not a Republican in that White House; but, and make no mistakes, most of them are deeply pissed, and would go to extremes; because the Democrat in that White House, is a man of colour! No one should think that Republicans make these remarks/threats; because they're dumb, or joking! They are cunning, sinister, and apocalyptic little rodents, and make these remarks/threats because they're also arrogant, narcissistic, greedy little disease carrying little ticks; who know that the Democrats are too weak, and the system [law enforcement] too flawed, to touch them...they are ABOVE THE LAW! It is time for law enforcement to stop being "RE" active with these NRA, Republican, Tea Party, KKK, Skin Heads, for doing stupid things, and start being "PRO" active with them; as they are with Black Panthers, Democrats, people of lesser means [black or white]. The Republicans/Tea Party and their cronies; should be measured with the same "yard stick", as other Americans. If the fool wants to be dead, or in jail; then they should oblige him..."PRO" active! They shouldn't wait 'til he acts out his fantasy; then they decide to oblige him..."RE" active! He, like a whole lot of them, is up to no good, and like a cockroach; it is time to step on the fools! This is, definitely, not the time; to be pussyfooting around these mosquitoes! ...I'm just saying!
Rocker Ted Nugent has reportedly earned himself the scrutiny of the Secret Service after saying over the weekend that he would be "dead or in jail by this time next year" if President Barack Obama is re-elected. Nugent made the comments during an interview at the National Rifle Association conventio...

Friday, April 13, 2012

"...Search For Importance!"

People like "Keyes - West" [Alan Keyes and Allen West], live with the false sense of image security; thinking that calling themselves Republicans, would give them importance...such bobble heads! If they were smart at all; they'd take a page out of the book of other "yes" boys, like Armstrong Williams, J. C. Watts, Michael Steele, and alike! There's nothing wrong with being a "Black" Republican, ...but going out of their way to disparage other blacks, or Democrats, and/or people who care about the common man; is where they need to draw the line! What they don't seem to understand is that, the only reason that they're tolerated being called Republicans, is because of something we have in Rhode Island called "Coffee Milk". People want to put a little colour in their [otherwise] white milk; so they add in a smidge of coffee! ...I'm just saying!See More
Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) may support parts of President Obama's health care law, but he has a problem with the 10 percent tax on tanning salons. He told a mostly Democratic group of seniors at a retirement home near West Palm Beach, Florida, that he thinks the provision is racist, according to the P...

"...Acts Of Shame!"

It's amazing the lengths to which these "News" agencies would go; just to get ratings! Sarah Palin...REALLY?! What in the world was NBC thinking? Are they trying [knowingly/unknowingly] to put themselves in the same boat; with that tabloid junk [FOX "Noise" News] group? The irony of it all, is that they even provided her some props...NEWSPAPERS! Isn't this the same Sarah Palin, who when asked... in an interview; didn't know which newspapers she had, or still read? Sarah Palin is a moron, there's no doubt about that; but she knows how to use her stupidity, and that of others, to make money. An idiot, who can see Russia from her home [in Alaska], becomes a millionaire overnight...positively entertaining! In my opinion, NBC has lost all credibility; for prostituting themselves! Shame on you NBC! ...I'm just saying!See More
At least one former "Today" alum was not impressed with the show's decision to bring in Sarah Palin as a co-host last week. Bryant Gumbel, who led the show for fifteen years and returned to "Today" for its sixtieth anniversary reunion show, told Howard Kurtz that he was "embarrassed" by the move.

"...Another Colourful Nanomite!"

This is exactly what I spoke of, when I wrote about "Keyes-West" [Black Republicans] a few days ago; and their idiotic behaviour, to be accepted by their [white] Republican masters. They spend so much time making "Jackasses" of themselves, by being clowns; that they forget to be men! Here, he thinks he's being funny, [again] forgetting to remember that; there's a difference between laughing WITH you, and laughing AT you...what a schmuck! ...I'm just saying!
WASHINGTON -- As many as 80 House Democrats are communists, according to Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.). West warned constituents at a Tuesday town hall event that he's "heard" that dozens of his Democratic colleagues in the House are members of the Communist Party, the Palm Beach Post reported.

"...The Cowardice Of A People!"

Here's the conundrum, multiple problems facing the US, and the spineless behaviour of the Democratic Party...what's wrong with this picture? I hate [almost] everything that the Republican Party stands for; but they stand by their own, right or wrong. I am disappointed that, even President Obama, seems to have turned his back on this lady; because of political correctness. Mr. Obama, you're a very intelligent, educated, and strong man and, in my opinion, one of the dang best presidents; that this country has ever had. So, why would you let advisors lead you down this road of weakness? Even I, know what Ms. Rosen meant! A first grader, would know that she was speaking of Mrs. Romney's disconnect, with the average working mother...and her lack of knowledge; of the hardships they face, day after day. Wolf Blitzer's insistence that Ms. Rosen look into the camera, to render an apology to Mrs. Romney, and the fact that she [Ms. Rosen] did; speaks volumes, of how dedicated and loyal she is, to Mr. Obama and the Democratic Party. What is it about those Republican spawns of Satan; that seem to frighten Democrats so much? Why is there so little loyalty amongst Democrats? Shame on all of you! Is this how you're supposed to treat a person; who's supposed to be one of your own? Again, what is wrong with you people? Hilary Rosen should be hailed as a hero! She is the one Democrat, with enough guts; to stand up to a self righteous, egotistical, narcissist, named Romney! A lot of us were brought up by dedicated mothers, who also worked; because they had no other choices! Ms. Rosen said that Ann Romney never worked a day in her life, all of us know exactly what she's talking about...so where's the lie? So the little "Bobbie" Doll raised some kids...good job! The real question should be, how many nannies, executive housekeepers, and gardeners; were really responsible, for raising those boys? How many diapers did she really change? The fact is, it seems like Ms. Rosen made that apology to "Bobbie"; just to appease your fears, and take one for the "team"...you owe her! Whether you people decide to say it or not, Ms. Rosen is and has been a loyal, and dependable ally; and it'd be a very wise idea, to back her up, and show the world that you've finally gotten some backbone! It's beginning to be [almost] a disgrace; to be a part, of the Democratic Party!
...I'm just saying!
See More

Thursday, April 5, 2012

"...It's Their War - We Must Fight!"

It is so unfortunate that we're surviving in a society, where men of colour have become prey; for every so-called "white" man with a gun! The so-called "white man, is determined to make the man of colour/"black" man, an endangered populace. We, the seeds of "The Mother Land", have lost the adhesive that made us strong; and the so-called "white" man is very aware of this. Go back in history and ...you'll see that; our strength came from our spirituality, connection to The Almighty God, and a very strong family bond! We are rapidly losing our cohesive attributes; and they are using it against us! As I said earlier, the man of colour/"black" man has become a target; and need all the help that he can get. Mothers, protect your sons! Sisters, protect your brothers! Wives, protect your husbands...that is the key; to defeating our common enemy! With the family, and spiritual/religious structures intact; there's no way that we can lose...To God Be The Glory! ...I'm just saying!

Wake Up...Be Blessed!

Keep Strong, Keep JOY, Keep Prayers...Keep GOD!

As much of the country follows the Trayvon Martin case, activists in Chicago are hoping to bring some of that attention to Howard Morgan, a former Chicago police officer who was shot 28 times by white officers -- and lived to tell his side of the story.