Friday, April 13, 2012

"...The Cowardice Of A People!"

Here's the conundrum, multiple problems facing the US, and the spineless behaviour of the Democratic Party...what's wrong with this picture? I hate [almost] everything that the Republican Party stands for; but they stand by their own, right or wrong. I am disappointed that, even President Obama, seems to have turned his back on this lady; because of political correctness. Mr. Obama, you're a very intelligent, educated, and strong man and, in my opinion, one of the dang best presidents; that this country has ever had. So, why would you let advisors lead you down this road of weakness? Even I, know what Ms. Rosen meant! A first grader, would know that she was speaking of Mrs. Romney's disconnect, with the average working mother...and her lack of knowledge; of the hardships they face, day after day. Wolf Blitzer's insistence that Ms. Rosen look into the camera, to render an apology to Mrs. Romney, and the fact that she [Ms. Rosen] did; speaks volumes, of how dedicated and loyal she is, to Mr. Obama and the Democratic Party. What is it about those Republican spawns of Satan; that seem to frighten Democrats so much? Why is there so little loyalty amongst Democrats? Shame on all of you! Is this how you're supposed to treat a person; who's supposed to be one of your own? Again, what is wrong with you people? Hilary Rosen should be hailed as a hero! She is the one Democrat, with enough guts; to stand up to a self righteous, egotistical, narcissist, named Romney! A lot of us were brought up by dedicated mothers, who also worked; because they had no other choices! Ms. Rosen said that Ann Romney never worked a day in her life, all of us know exactly what she's talking where's the lie? So the little "Bobbie" Doll raised some kids...good job! The real question should be, how many nannies, executive housekeepers, and gardeners; were really responsible, for raising those boys? How many diapers did she really change? The fact is, it seems like Ms. Rosen made that apology to "Bobbie"; just to appease your fears, and take one for the "team" owe her! Whether you people decide to say it or not, Ms. Rosen is and has been a loyal, and dependable ally; and it'd be a very wise idea, to back her up, and show the world that you've finally gotten some backbone! It's beginning to be [almost] a disgrace; to be a part, of the Democratic Party!
...I'm just saying!
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